UPDATE: How to make CKEditor5 (D10) like the WYSIWYG CKEditor (D7)

By @whatisdrupal, 21 June, 2024
UPDATE: How to make CKEditor5 (D10) like the WYSIWYG CKEditor (D7)

After I published the article "How to make CKEditor5 (D10) like the WYSIWYG CKEditor (D7)", I might get a notification in a couple of days reminding me that CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack 1.0.1 was released on April 30, 2024, by CKSource (a Drupal contributor).

The package provides many tools from CKEditor5 plugins, such as:

  • Block Indentation
  • Find and Replace
  • Font Color and Background Color
  • Highlight

Installation is a simple, easy step. Afterward, go to Text formats and editors to choose plugins to add to your editor toolbar.

This is what my final editor toolbar would ideally look like.

Source: https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor5_plugin_pack